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The Disney College Program(DCP) is a work experience with Disney Parks for college students or recent grads. This program gives young adults an idea of how Disney is run, as well as, the ability to reach out and meet other Disney employees from across the company's platform.
During my program, I was in a merchandise role at Disney Springs working at Goofy's Candy Co., Disney's Days of Christmas, Art of Disney, Wonderful World of Memories, Pin Traders, and shifts across the other parks. Learning Disney courtesy, I engaged with relational marketing tactics with guests, which involved discovering what the guest was looking for and caring for their needs. I learned more about the Disney history and park history, as well.


STEMSEAS allows undergrads to experience life aboard a research ship. The goal is to encourage students to pursue geoscience. While the majority of students are STEM students, they also encourage media students so that we can be inspired to participate in science communication. I had the chance to document the life of the crew, the scientists, and the other students, while sailing in the Bering Sea during a storm. I also created a video that explains key terms in oceanography for my final presentation at the end of the week. Along with another video to promote the program on this page.
IUP interviewed me discussing the trip and also wrote an article for the paper and website. Through this experience I was able to see how media and science work together and overcome unique obstacles on a ship.

The CCO is a campus ministry that spans across the whole US. Through this ministry, I have been able to use my photography, videography, and graphic skills to assist in promoting the programs on our campus.
As a student leader for 3 years, I have gained skills in speaking to large groups, facilitating meetings, and one-on-one meetings. Throughout the week I attend church meetings, mentor meet ups, and talk to several students a week about their faith and life.
During the summer of 2016, I had the opportunity to take part in a leadership intensive for 7 weeks. Through the program, I had a part-time job, attended class 8 hours/week, and assisted in church activities.



SFA meets weekly to design a short film each year. Pre-production is in the fall semester with production and post-production in the spring.
Some of the meetings consist of lessons on basics in film. In this club, I have been able to have hands on experience with film equipment and use different lighting structures.

Academics are important for teaching self-discipline, ability to follow instruction, and in skill level. Each semester I have been a student, I have been on Dean's list for my work ethic.
In addition, I have been recognized as a "Provost Scholar" for academic excellence. This recognition if for upperclassman who have an average of 3.5 GPA of higher.
Upon arriving to IUP, I was granted a scholarship for $1,000 for each semester for academics.

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