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Week One of Internship Log

Monday, May 21, 2018 – 9.5 hours   

            Upon arriving the first day, I had received a call with the plans for my coming week. While all the other interns took part in a planned orientation, I got to be thrown head first into the ring. At 9:00am, I arrived at the building Topcon is located, 7400 National Dr, Livermore, CA. I participated in 45 minutes of orientation, which included: a badge photo, safety instructions, them showing my fun fact of the Jimmy Stewart Cross Walk to all my fellow interns, and a head shot. Then at 9:45am, I was taken to sit in on a video shoot with the executives of the company (wow) at the video studio. Every quarter, the VP and the CEO, Jamie and Ray, respectively, give an update that goes to every employee. After that, I helped pack up camera equipment and had a short tour. I got to have lunch with my manager, Elmer Valenca, and was taken to the San Francisco Airport to spend the next week in Portland, Oregon with two members of the Video Production team, David Driver and KC Smith. This week we will shoot footage of a Topcon retailer, training event, and a Topcon Roadshow. Topcon Roadshows are a way that Topcon can showcase their products and let costumers try it out on equipment. I had the camera explained to me briefly and have been instructed to just shadow this week and take photos since they know I am already experienced with photography. We arrived at the hotel around 7:30pm.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 – 8 hours

            We drove to the Roadshow this morning from the hotel at 8:30am. I had the chance to sit in on a meeting to pitch the idea for the commercial/promo we are putting together. I got to see the sheet my team put together with video examples of what we are going for as far as tone and mood, including paragraphs of what our goals are going to be for the production. After that we got a tour of the retail store and took photos at places that we felt would make good backdrops for our videos. We then got bonus footage of two people who are not often together, our main software guy for Topcon and Autodesk, one of our partnership companies. I got to do boom mic for this shoot. After we had lunch, we got footage of an interview with a worker. I got to work one of the cameras for this shoot. Continuing, we made plans for the next day since we had ran out of time for any more shoots that day. We ended our day around 6:00pm.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 9.5 hours

            The shoot continuing at 8am the next morning, we hired a local grip from Portland to help since we had so much still to get finished. While Dave and our new grip set up the lighting for each interview today, KC and myself worked on getting B-roll and stills of the Roadshow and the store. After a very busy day, we didn’t realize it was already time for the roadshow truck to pack up. The roadshow was only Monday – Wednesday. We were supposed to get B-roll of the inside, but almost all of it was packed away, so KC handed me his camera and tripod to put me in charge of getting any B-roll I could of the truck while he helped get the last interview of the day. Last minute, we saw an employee that we wanted to interview for a while, but he wasn’t ever available, so we stayed a little late to catch him. Our day ended around 6:30pm.


Thursday, May 24, 2018 - 8 hours

            This day reflected similarly as the day before also starting at 8am. Lots of work and the realization that I need to hit the gym more! I worked of getting B-roll and stills of all the people we had interviewed. I think it was 10 different people from various departments as our total. While Dave and our grip were setting up lights, KC and I worked on stills and B-roll. When the interview would go to start, KC would go to do the questions and I would grab KC’s camera to get some B-roll since we were cutting it close when we finished at 5pm.


Friday, May 25, 2018 – 8 hours

             This was our last day. We wrapped up the shoot with our last interview at 8:30am. I finished up capturing any last footage that I could while they did the last shoot. After they finished, I followed the manager around with an Osmo camera for B-roll and the others started packing up the equipment. At 12:30pm, we were off to the airport to fly back to San Francisco for our 2:30pm flight. I took an Uber back to Livermore and got home around 6:30pm.

Week Two of Internship Log


Monday – Memorial Day – no work


Tuesday, May, 29 2018 – 8 hours

            Today, I arrived at 7:30AM, earlier than needed because that was when my available ride could bring me. The goal of the day was working on sorting through all of the stills that I took the week prior while I was in Portland, OR. I sorted through finding the best ones using Lightroom’s 1 to 5 star rating system. Once they were all sorted out I edited the 5-star photos, then 4-star, and then the 3-stars.  I would take some into Photoshop to edit, but the majority was in Lightroom. I then showed the photographer my photos and he liked them and approved. I learned two new buttons in Lightroom as well.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018 – 8 hours

            We had people come in from various other parts of the US who are on the Brand Creative team, which I am also a part of. Meetings were the theme of today, and while that sounds boring, I really enjoy planning and making steps of the future, so I enjoyed them.  We discussed marketing plans and getting everyone all on the same page. One issue was how can we get our name out there more. A newsletter was discussed and I said about developing an App with updates and a Q&A section. We discussed that idea for a while and continued on to other things. Another meeting was discussing our plans forward for our video we started in Portland. The video is supposed to tie all the Topcon Solution Stores together, so we have plans to get approved a trip out to some other stores in Maryland and Connecticut. It was a normal 8am-5pm day. 


Thursday, May 31, 2018 – 8 hours

            Today, my first assignment was adding captions to a video. I added the Spanish-Spain captions to the video and then created two other videos with Spanish-Latin America and Portuguese – Portugal. Once I finished those, I went through all of our B-roll that I took the week before. Using Adobe Premier, I cut what pieces were useful and organized each one by the person it featured. After lunch, my manager demonstrated his workflow to me when he produces a piece. After cutting all the content, he sends it out to get the content approved. This draft has no graphics, uses sample music that is not yet purchased, and almost no color. Once the content is approved, it is time to add the graphics in, purchase the good track of the music, and add back all of the color. It was a normal 8am-5pm day. 


Friday, June 1, 2018 – 8 hours

            Today started with finishing the B-roll project and sending it off to my other co-worker, KC. KC works from home twice a week, so I gave him a call, explained what I did, and then he told me what was the next part of the project. In order to process though the interviews well, we are transcribing them so that we can search the content in them for similar themes. My job was to go through as many interviews as I could taking out KC’s voice that asked the questions and taking out any answers that I felt didn’t go with our goal. I got to listen in on a phone meeting at 10:30am about a project starting in New York City at one of the theaters there. It is starting July 9th, so we might be traveling there this summer, but if construction is pushed, than perhaps not. After lunch, I had a meeting at 2:00pm with some people about an assignment that I will have which is creating a recruitment video for the company that they can use worldwide. We were planning some different ideas on how to do it and planning some days ahead to work on it.

Week Three of Internship Log


Monday, June 4, 2018 - 8 hours

            I started my day at 8am by working on editing the interview footage from the Portland shoot. We want to transcribe them so that we can search the content more easily. I am shortening down the footage as much as I can because the software charges per minute. At 9:00am, I went to one of the other buildings to take some photos and footage of another intern working in Topcon’s precision agriculture department. This is for the intern video I am in charge of building. Following this, I uploaded these to my computer and continued working on the interviews. After lunch, I sent one completed interview to my co-worker, and we decided to change how we were editing these to transcribe and use a service instead of the software. I got to start the new way before leaving at 5:00PM.


Tuesday , June 5, 2018 – 8 hours

            At 8:00am, I started on editing the interviews the new way we wanted them. I sent out the first one to see what my co-worker, KC, thought and he said that it was good to go. So, I emailed it out to the transcriber using wetransfer. We got an estimated invoice for the services. After getting the price approved, I proceeded to finish all the other interviews and sent them out as they were finished. After this assignment, I was to edit down a teaser trailer that was already made for one of our Roadshows. I took out some clips and fixed up the audio and music length. Today ended at 5:00pm.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 - 8 hours

            Today, I received an email to make a spreadsheet of the videos on the company’s Vimeo and Youtube, so I worked on that most of the morning. At lunch time, all the interns had a nice presentation about Linkedin, tips on how to interview well, and important things to know going into a job. After lunch, I received the last minute adjustments needed for the trailer video from the day before and sent it back to my manager. Also, I was shown some of the video equipment in the back room like the gimble and the drone. Towards the end of the day, my manager gave me the details for a project I was to work on the rest of the day. The office located in Brisbane, Australia needs a recruitment video produced. We weren’t able to be sent to Australia to capture footage (though we all wanted to!), so they used iPhones and did their best to capture some interviews and B-roll. They also selected music they wanted and some key points they wanted to hit. I was in charge of the rest. It was a normal 8am-5pm day. 


Thursday, June 7, 2018 - 8 hours

            From 8:00pm-5:00pm with an hour lunch break, I planned and edited the Brisbane Video. I used my notebook to write down the time and quotes that I wanted to use, and I put it together piece by piece. By the end of the day, it was ready for feedback tomorrow.


Friday, June 8, 2018 - 8 hours

            Today started at 7:30am, because I had to leave by 4:00pm and took a half hour lunch. In the morning, I finalized the Roadshow Trailer for the last time and then did finishing touches on the Brisbane Video before my manager got there. I had a meeting with my manager, Elmer, and my mentor, Ralph, to show them my video and get feedback. They really liked it and so we went on to finish off audio and color. I learned how to use a lot of the useful audio tools in Premiere. I will definitely be using these a lot in the future. Also, I added lower thirds on all the interviews and got to get some experience in After Effects through that.

            A side project today has been working on a short 30-45 second video of the intern that I took photos and video of on Monday.

Week Four of Internship Log


Monday, June 11, 2018 – 8 hours

              From 8:00-9:30am, I worked on color grading my video on the other inter, Walker, using DaVinci Resolve. It is my first time using this software, so I am trying to figure out all the different keys and ask questions to my manager, Elmer. At 9:30am, I tried finishing up the spreadsheet of videos from Topcon’s YouTube and Vimeo. I asked Elmer for the login for the Vimeo so I could log in the views for each video. After lunch, I worked on a new assignment of picking out the select takes or a Roadshow video. For this video, they had an actor come in and present each type of equipment. There were many takes for each station and I am supposed to create separate sequences on Premiere with the best take. I ended my day at 5:00pm.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today, starting at 8:00am, I finished the takes needed for the roadshow video. I was able to schedule some meetings for tomorrow to get some photos and footage of other interns for the 2018 intern video. Spread sheet was finished up and sent off to the employee that requested it. With the second half of the day, we had a small celebration for all of June birthdays. I received an email to update a few of the interview clips from the previous week to include multicamera sequences. So, the rest of my day was focused on updating all of those and I finished the last one right at 5:00pm and sent them off to my co-worker, David Driver, who is editing the video together.  


Wednesday, June 13, 2018 – 8 hours

              I begin today at 8:00am working on adding the official company opening that they use on all the videos to my Brisbane Recruitment video. For this, I used the After Effects draft and selected the video I needed to use for it and also the text for on top. I then exported it using the company’s requirements and added it to my video in Premiere. I then adjusted minor tweaks with the video. After lunch at 1:00PM, I was picked up by Kris Demarest who works in HR and Walker Raikes who is the Precision Agriculture intern. We drove to the equipment tests site where the tracters, bulldozers, screeds, and other equipment is located. I got footage of Walker to use for the intern recruitment video. Right after, we drove back and I got footage of Dale Ashna, IT intern, in an important meeting. This was also for the intern video. When I got back to my building, Elmer showed me some equipment that they use in the Roadshow truck and told me about an assignment for me. I am going to create a video documenting the production line. We have no video of it yet and I get a $1,000 budget to rent any equipment I want to use. The clock hit 5:00pm and I left for the day.


Thursday, June 14, 2018 – 8 hours

              Starting at 8:00am, I watched a few videos online to get some inspiration for the production line video assignment I received the day before. Once my manager was in, I got an assignment to adjust a video for another worker, changing the ratio size, cutting the beginning, and exporting it in a particular format. Following that, I was told to combine the spreadsheet I had made of the videos we have created with a past sheet, and separate the videos by year. This was to see which videos were posted on Vimeo and not yet on Youtube. I named and organized all the previous day’s footage after that using Elmer’s specific naming convention. We met with Shannon, who handles recruitment, and got her approval for the content of the Brisbane video. More adjustments will be made before sending it out soon. I then was in charge of sorting some B-roll for an important Roadshow video due next month. I learned some new things in Premiere such as the speed-keyframe ability, the use of the In-and-Out Brackets, and some other smaller keys that will be useful to my work. My day ended at 5:00pm


Friday, June 15, 2018 - 8 hours

              I started today at 8:20am and worked on the B-roll for the roadshow (there is a lot!). I also worked on editing photos of the interns from this week and organizing a Premiere Project for each individual intern. At 11:30PM, all the interns had lunch to get to know each other more and I could learn what more of them did in their jobs so I could get ideas for the intern video. After lunch, I finished the photos for the interns and then had a meeting at 1:00pm. Some people came to show use some options of using Virtual reality and Augmented Reality for our roadshows. I got to use some of the equipment to get an idea of what it could be like for our customer. Today ended at 5:10pm.

Week Five of Internship Log

Monday,  June 18, 2018 - 8 hours

              I came in at 8:00am this morning and began the day by checking my emails and making a to do list. My manager was out today, so I focused on making progress on my assignments that I had started working on. Throughout the day, I was able to work on the B-roll selects for the Roadshow video, create a 35-second video for one of the HR interns, update the Agriculture intern’s 40-second video with the new footage from last week, start on another HR interns video, organize my files in my projects for future intern videos, and plan out the week by setting up my IUP instructor’s Skype visit for later on this week. The day was rather productive, and it ended at 5:00pm.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 8 hours

              Today, I started at 8:00am with getting things ready for today’s activities. My manager took me to the test site at 8:30AM where the site tests products and has lessons for people interested in the products. John Dice, our Construction Specialist, showed me the product and let me drive the Bull Dozer and Motor Grader. It was really beneficial to see what exactly the technology does that I am marketing for, and it was a great experience to drive the machinery. After getting back and having lunch the other interns and our CEO, Ray O'Connor, I scheduled some times before 5PM with interns to take video and photos of their work. I also worked on some photo editing of interns and edited some of the short 30-45 second videos that I’m making of each intern.



Wednesday, June 20, 2018 – 8 hours

              The day started at 8:00am, and after reviewing emails and getting started with the day, I packed up a back of my filming and photography equipment and went outside to the parking lot to film the professional services interns using Topcon technology to survey the area where we will be building a new building and test site. I was outside about 9:00-10:30am. I came back in to edit some of the photos and decided to go back out to catch some more as they had moved to new places after a while. After lunch, Elmer, Todd (our photographer), and myself went out to a small open field in a valley to learn the drone. We used two different types the Mavic and DJI’s Inspire. The Mavic was smaller and easier to use, while the Inspire was larger, faster, and strong, which made it hard to steer. We got back to the office around 4:30pm, I helped put some things away, and prepared what I needed for tomorrow’s activities and left at 5:00pm.





Thursday, June 21, 2018 – 8 hours

              I started work at 8:00am and worked on editing photos that my manager took of me on Tuesday and Wednesday at the test site and the drone training so that they could use them for the internship program recruitment for next year. I also worked on some of the photos that I took of the professional services interns surveying. We got feedback from the Brisbane office on the video, so I edited what I was able to on that with B-roll substitutes and audio. My manager has something in mind for the lower thirds and chapter markers, so I will have to wait to see what to add. After lunch, I had my professor “visit” via Skype call at 1:15pm. She first spoke with my managers and then I got to show her around and tell her a little bit about what I have been up to. Afterwards, I went to HR/IT and took video and photos of our IT intern Dale. I interviewed her and took B-roll of her at the desk and in a meeting room. After getting back to my desk and uploading, naming, and organizing all the new materials, it was 5:00pm.


Friday, June 22, 2018 – 8 hours

              At 8:00am, I worked on some more of the intern videos. Elmer showed me how to do color correction in Premiere Pro using LUTS. I spent most of my morning tackling the color on several videos. It is very difficult I learned. After an intern lunch, I came back and got some feedback on the intern videos and learned how to take out background noise in a track. So I went and did that with all the intern videos and all of the Brisbane videos since they were shot on iPhone, the audio trick helped a ton. Today was a lot of tweaking until 5:00pm.


Week Six of Internship Log


Monday, June 25, 2018 

              My manager was not in today, so I was able to report to my mentor when I ran out of things to do, though I was able to stay busy with checking things off my list. Starting at 8:00am sharp, I worked on the 5 short intern videos from coloring, audio, editing, and content. I also reviewed the Brisbane video editing what I felt needed to be changed. I also wrote down some questions for my manager when he got back about it. I wanted a change of scene, so I took my laptop outside on the lunch tables and did some research for the Production Line video, which I feel pretty good about, but I would love to get a tour to really see what I have to work with. I think I want to utilize interview and voice overs in it. Focus on close ups and on a more emotional side rather than intense side. “Topcon cares” more or less. I had lunch when I came back in. And continued on video work. At about 4:30, I finished up with all I could think of or could handle that day. Since there were only 30 minutes left, I worked on finding some ads on the server that my manager said I could use for my final project for my internship class through the university.


Tuesday, June 26, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today at 8:00am, I moved my exported intern videos to the “Viewing Floor” and that I could show my manager when he got in. He looked at them, gave me some feedback, and fixed what I was told to fix. Next, I was given a photoshop assignment to make thumbnails for the YouTube videos based off a set template layout, my manager made two and then half did some and then I had to fix them and create two of them. It was a nice change of speed from editing videos. I really enjoyed working on that and took a late lunch 1:30-2:30pm. When I got back, I finished the thumbnails and looked over some of the videos that were created from our Portland shoot. They turned out really well, it was fun to see the work you were a part of come full circle. Elmer and I made a plan for tomorrow to start editing the lower thirds and chapter markers for Brisbane to get it sent out soon. My day wrapped up at 5:00pm.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today I started at 8:00am and met with Elmer to go over the Brisbane information. He told me several tweaks to make on the video and I went back to my desk to make adjustments. From 11:00 to 12:00pm, I had a meeting with Elmer and Tina-Marie, the social media director. Our meeting was about cutting down a video to fit onto social media. I had the chance to head up that area. In addition, there is another video for this product needing started, so I will also have the chance to find some stock footage and ideas for this video. The video is called SmoothRide. With the rest of my day, I worked on the Brisbane videos and some intern videos as well until 5:00pm.


Thursday, June 28, 2018 – 8 hours

              At 8:00am, I started on looking over emails and researching some things for the SmoothRide video. This took me to past lunch and upon finishing, I ran some ideas past my manager for my Production Video. I presented a sheet with some YouTube videos I liked and some shot ideas on them. He really liked the ideas and we created a plan for touring the areas, filming date, and deadlines for the rest of the semester. He said to not worry about the SmoothRide video since there is a lot that I was given to finish out the internship. I worked on more intern videos and photos up until 5:00.


Friday, June 29, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today begin with prepping my shot list and Production Shoot ideas sheet at 8:00am. I checked emails and did a little with intern stuff until 9:15am when my manager and I went down to the other building and toured the production/manufacturing area where I will be shooting my video. We got back around 10:00am and discussed some other shot ideas we saw after seeing the place and I emailed my sheet to Kyle, he will be working with me with the voice over. After lunch we had a video review with someone from HR to get the okay for the first 4 intern videos. After this 1:00pm meeting, I made some adjustments to the videos and they were good to go. Today, I also planned with two other interns to shoot their intern videos on Monday. Ended the day at 5:00pm.


Week Seven of Internship Log


Monday, July 2, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today began at 8:00am, with prepping what I needed for my first video shoot. We got an email from Brisbane to adjust just a few things and so I worked on that before 10:30am and finished up with it.  At 10:30am, I got footage of Sydney, our Graphic Design intern, to create her video. After her meeting, I interviewed her and got footage and photos at her desk and printer. After this, I had lunch and at 2:00pm, I got footage of Sunny, our Marketing Analytics intern at her desk and working on different things along with her interview. Overall, both shoots went well. At 3:30pm, we had a meeting with Elmer and KC to catch KC up on things for he was out do to medical issues. After our meeting, I uploaded, renamed, and organized all of the footage from today. Day ending at 5:00pm.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018 – 5 hours

              Today was a fun day. I got some things situated and emails views at 8:00am. At 9:00am we had a meeting with Shannon, our recruiter in HR. She told us about our presentation that we have to put together for the final week of work to present to the executives and our department. After this, all the interns went to the test site to learn about the equipment and drive bulldozers and excavators. I had already done this, so I got footage and photos of the other taking part. After this, Topcon provided us with lunch at 1:00. 


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 – 0 hours

              Independence Day


Thursday, July 5th, 2018 – 8 hours

              I started the day at 8:00am with a to do list since I knew I had a lot to get done. I subbed out all the template music for the intern videos and put in the read purchased music, then exported them out in three different formats the Topcon likes. I cut the SmoothRide video to the 3-minute requirement that Tina-Marie asked for. At 10:00am, I went to the other building to get footage and an interview with Kyle, our IT intern. When I got back I renamed the files and organized them on the computer using Topcon’s system. At 2:00pm after lunch, KC and I got another look at the production and manufacturing area since he wasn’t there and I wanted to get more information before shooting. When we got back, I wrote down some notes on what I learned for the shoot. The day ended at 5:00pm.


Friday, July 6th, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today I started at 7:45am so that I could leave at 4:45pm today. I started setting up some of the intern videos and and getting them ready to keep editing; however, most of the day was shooting the production video over in the other building. We shot from 9-11:30 in the morning. I came back before lunch to upload the files and organize them on the computer. Then 2-4 we got some more footage. At 4:30 we met with Tina-Marie to show her the shortened SmoothRide video and she approved it. I left at 4:45pm.

Week Eight of Internship Log

Monday, July 9, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today I started at 8:00 working on Sydney and Sunny’s videos. I got them both pretty set up with the interviews all formatted nicely. Also, I finished editing the photos from production on Friday, machine control photos from last Tuesday, and the photos I took of Sydney during our time together last week filming her.  I resized the Machine Control photos and set them out to a list of people interested in them, also the production photos as well.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018 – 8 hours

              At 8:00am, I looked over some emails and set up some things in Kyle’s intern video, but at 8:30am the marketing department took a trip to the Apple Park Visitor Center to look at the VR that they have set up for the visitors. It was very neat hearing about Apple and all of the energy efficient and creativity-cultivating structures that they had at their space station work building. We got back around 12:30. I finished exporting the 4 intern videos that are now complete. Sydney’s photos were resized and sent off to her to have. I also finished her video and it is ready for feedback. More photos, I edited, resized, and sent Sunny’s and Kyle’s photos from their shoots last week. An extra little project today that I helped my supervisor with was to record him using paper puppets to show what he wanted for our interactive mural upstairs. He demonstrated it using printed pictures on pencils and I recorded his production. It was a neat way to go about showing what he wanted differently. End of the day at 5:00.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – 8 hours

              Beginning the day at 8:00 am, I started with trying to finish Sunny and Sydney’s intern videos, but the audio had problems in the area we were in, so my manager said he would show me tomorrow how to use the other microphone. At 10:30, I went to a meeting with Sydney, Eric, and Sena to capture additional footage that I used in Sydney’s video. I made other adjustments to the other intern videos to finish them off.  I worked on some organization of my files and names as well. I also started organizing the picks I wanted from the BRoll last Friday for the production video. End of the day was 5:00pm.


Thursday, July 12, 2018 – 8 hours

              At 8:00am, I started at the BRoll again from the Production video. I made edits to the voice over script for the production video and sent them to Kyle who handles the wording of anything involving the company brand. He made slight changes and then I did as well and Elmer as well until we got to the perfect structure. As the day went on, I finished the BRoll selections for Production. As well, my manager and I did a little test with the shotgun mic and lav mic to see what worked best. The lav mic was the better option for the room. So, I scheduled with the two girls to reshoot their interviews on Friday. Toward the 5:00pm end to my day, I started looking for music for the Production Video.



Friday, July 13, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today was busy, right at 8:00am, I met up with the Professional Services interns to shoot the interviews for their video. They have been very hard to find a time with, but this worked perfectly. Then I came back to my office to capture Sunny’s interview at 9:30am, then Sydney’s at 10:15am. I uploaded them all, organized, and renamed. At 12:00pm, we had a BBQ with all the buildings to celebrate “Memorial Day”. The picnic had been postponed because of the weather. At 2:00, all the interns got a tour of the reliability lab where the company tests all of their equipment in various environments to ensure reliability. The rest of the day, I worked on finishing up Sydney’s and Sunny’s intern videos. I also got to start and get a good bit through the Professional Services Video. Around 4:00, we had a meeting with the lady I worked with in Portland, OR to show her what we had done of the video we filmed there, and she loved it! Day was over at 5:00pm.


Week Nine of Internship Log


Monday, July 16, 2018 – 8.5 hours

              Today’s 8:00am to 5:30pm consisted of working on adjustments to the intern videos, sending out the voiceover for someone to do, adjustments to Brisbane, catching KC up on what has been going on because he was out for a few weeks, and going to capture footage in the afternoon of raw goods, shipping, and production. I enjoyed shooting in these areas because I got to meet people and talk to people as I walked through.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018 – 10.5 hours

              Today was a long day. Starting at 8:00am, I prepared my equipment and made a list of the people KC and I were going to interview today for the production video. At 9:00am, I drove all the equipment to the other building to set up for when KC got there at 9:15. Throughout the day, we interviewed seven people in production and shipping. I lead the interviews and at the end of my questioning KC would ask some additional questions. He is very good at interview questions. Our day didn’t end until 7:00pm.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018 – 8 hours

              At 8:00am, I started setting up my project with the new footage we got yesterday. Around 9:00am, I assisted Elmer and KC in a shoot they were on for the next three days. I was able to go back to my projects at around 10:00. I finished Brisbane (actually finished it this time!), finished intern videos, listened through half the interviews and selected the quotes I liked from them, and chose the voice over nomination that I liked and we sent that in to him and he got it back to us that hour! The day ended at 5:00.


Thursday, July 19, 2018 – 8 hours

              8:00 start to the day, I was able to finish going through all of the interviews and selecting the best quotes. I even got to place them all in in the timeline with the music and voice over. I used multiple sequences and layered timelines to help in speed of editing. I also had a meeting to practice my presentation that I will give next Wednesday to the executives and my department on what I have done this summer. End of the day at 5:00.


Friday, July 20, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today, I worked on placing Broll in the production video and making it all work. I used some Broll from older shoots they had, but the majority was what we shot the past few weeks. I was able to get feedback and make adjustments as well. I was able to assist, but mainly watch, as Elmer directed a voiceover for a video they are putting together. Today was a normal 8-5 day.


Week Ten of Internship Log


Monday, July 23, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today was hammering out the production video because it had to be done today, tomorrow and Wednesday would be too busy. From 8:00-5:00 getting the video finished was my goal. I made edits that I had gotten feedback on from Elmer and KC from Friday. I got additional tips today, and the video was finished by the end! I edited audio levels, shots, lower thirds, and titles.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today at 8:00, I begin my day with preparing my cameras to photograph a visit we were having with Topcon’s President coming from Japan, Steve Hirano, and his important friends he was bringing. From 8:30-2:00, I photographed the group in their morning meeting, getting a demonstration of our medical equipment, on the test site, at a presentation, and a tour of manufacturing. With the rest of the day, I downloaded the photos and learned how to use Proxy files and adjust audio channels in Premiere. The end of the day was 5:00.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today at 8:00am, I started practicing my presentation that I had in the afternoon. I also got a call to see if I was able to go to the test site to photograph some children there, but with my busy day, I told them I would see. I went to the other building to check out the car so if I had time to go to the test sight, then I would have it available. From 9-10:15, the marketing department had their department wide meeting with all of marketing. After this, there was not time to make it to the test site, so I prepared more for the presentation and I worked on sorting through some photos from yesterday. I had lunch plans with the manager of production and KC. After lunch it was time for presentations from 1-3:30. Coming back from the presentations some people in marketing had missed the presentations so the interns in marketing went and did our presentations again for just our department. At 4:00, I met with Jackie who is my manager’s manager and she told me how the budget is run and managed. After that, I said goodbyes to KC and Ralph because they would be out of the office the next two days. I left at 5:00pm.


Thursday, July 26, 2018 – 8 hours

              Though the presentation meant the end of projects for many, I still had a lot to finish up. I finished up the last intern video and photos, finished editing the photos from Tuesday and sent them off, and I took copies of all my projects from the computer and what I needed for school assignments. From 8-5 I was very busy finishing everything and making sure I had all I needed to do competed by tomorrow so I wouldn’t have to worry about it too much on my last day.


Friday, July 27, 2018 – 8 hours

              Today I came in 8am for my last day of my internship. I worked on some last minute things like exports, edits, and photos. I joined HR for lunch since my team was gone today. When I got back, I sent all the interns and HR people the videos of each intern so that they could use it. I had my exit interview around 3:30 and then said goodbyes to everyone afterwards. It was very sad leaving such a great group of people. I really hope that I can see them again and work through free-lance later on!

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